About Us
The Society was formed to encourage local artists, and to foster and develop an interest in Art in Bishop’s Stortford and district, by the holding of drawing and painting meetings, public exhibitions, lectures and other activities.
- The name of the Society shall be the Bishop’s Stortford Art Society.
- Membership shall be by application to the Membership Secretary.
- The annual subscription will be set at the AGM.
- A Committee, comprised of the President, Chairman, Secretary, Programme Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer, and five ordinary members will govern the Society.
The Society’s year will run from 1st April to 31st March.
- All Officers and Committee members shall be elected annually. The Chairman shall serve a maximum of three years, with the possibility of further service after a break.
- All nominations for officers must be submitted to the Secretary seven days prior to the AGM with the consent of the nominee.
All members work submitted for inclusion in any of the Society’s exhibitions will be subject to the approval of the Committee, who will have the power to reject any work. All works must be originals and framed or mounted in accordance with the Committee’s recommendations, to be sent to each member prior to the exhibition. Failure to comply may result in rejection. A commission will be charged by the Society on all sales during an exhibition. Members must have paid their annual subscription before any work is submitted to an exhibition.
- A copy of these rules together with a Membership Application Form to be sent to all prospective members.
- An annual subscription is due on 1st April. All subscriptions must be sent to the Membership Secretary.
- The funds of the Society shall be applied solely to its stated objectives. In the event of the dissolution of the society, the remaining funds will be devoted to objectives similar to those of the Society.